LUMiReader® PSA

What the naked eye cannot see

For complex dispersion processes



Exceptional possibilities


  • Particle size distribution
  • Direct real-time stability testing
  • Dispersion classification (Fingerprinting)
  • Separation velocity distribution
  • Sauter diameter distribution
  • Droplet & particle density distribution
  • Hansen dispersibility parameters
  • Turbidity index
  • Asphaltene separability number
  • Flocculation & coalescence
  • Sedimentation & creaming rate
  • Clarification rate
  • Accelerated gravity separation (Boycott effect)
  • Comparative & predictive shelf-life analysis

See & understand complex dispersion processes instantly

Direct stability testing

Obtain volume PSD without refractive indices and without assumption of spherical & homogeneous particle shapes

Get separation velocity distribution (sedimentation and creaming)

Optimize sensitivity by simultaneous multi-wavelength approach

Determine hydrodynamic particle density based on ISO 18747-1

Cloud Point Determination

Monitor aggregation and crystallization

Calculate density of your dispersed particles

Investigate temperature effects up to 80 °C

Differentiate between the various instability mechanisms

Handle any dispersing media: water, oils, organic solvents

Uses disposable cells, customizable

LUMiReader® PSA – What the naked eye cannot see

Maximum comparison precision and no material data such as viscosity or density required

The LUMiReader PSA instantaneously measures the extinction profile of the transmitted light across the entire length of your sample using the STEP-Technology®. It may be recalculated in terms of clarification and particle concentration.

Each LUMiReader contains an optical block and temperature control element. In addition, the specially designed PSA module also opens new horizons for high resolution particle sizing and allows you to measure the velocity distribution of separating particles. There is no need for you to know any material constants such as viscosity or density.

Our proprietary design ensures that the light strikes the sample across its entire height, ensuring maximum optical sensitivity and reproducibility.

The optical detector assembly features micro-scale spatial resolution capable of accurately measuring even the smallest local changes instantaneously across the entire sample height.


This design eliminates the time-consuming and less accurate task of scanning your sample, allowing you to capture even very fast micro-changes occuring in your dispersion without mechanical vibration.

The LUMiReader also uses a patented tilt technology based on the Boycott effect. The well-known principle allows accelerated, real-time stability testing at gravity by tilting the sample from its normal upright position. The magnitude of acceleration (up to 10 times) depends on geometric factors, such as tilt angle, vial dimensions, and sample type.

Analyse in a wide range of viscosities, temperatures, and concentrations. With the advantage of looking at the entire sample from top to bottom instantaneously, you can observe and understand different stability/instability phenomena concurrently; for example, creaming, sedimentation coalescence, aggregation and flocculation at original product concentration.

Comes with state-of-the-art software SEPView.

The LUMiReader comes certified, factory pre-calibrated and is ready-to-go.

International norms and guidelines


ASTM D7827

CFR 21 Part 11

ISO 13317-1

ISO 13317-5

ISO 18747-1

ISO 20427

ISO/TR 13097

Grafik Karriere


The following materials can be analyzed with the LUMiReader® PSA

Carbon black
Crude oil
Fine chemicals
Gas oil
Pharmaceutical dispersions
and many more materials.




Determination of the volume-weighted particle size distribution

The LUMiReader PSA allows for the first time the determination of the volume based particle size distribution (ISO 13317) for emulsions and suspensions, without the necessity of knowing the refractive index or software input and no assumption regarding particle shape and shape distribution.

This opens new horizons for the characterization of industrial products, where above parameters are often not available or not applicable.

LUM’s patented STEP-Technology, the measurement of Space and Time-resolved Extinction Profiles, was extended to an unique new multi-wavelength approach: alterations of ratio of transmission at different wavelengths monitors any particle or droplet size variation over product life without sizing particles itself.

Giving particle size distribution (ISO 13317), separation velocity distribution and hydrodynamic particle density in addition to the direct stability result according to ISO TR 13097, the new LUMiReader PSA is one instrument for the comprehensive understanding of complex industrial products in an easy way.



The specially developed PSA module

The specially designed PSA-module allows you to measure the velocity distribution of separating particles. There is no need for you to know any material constants such as viscosity or density.

Velocity Distribution
Qv(v), qv(v)

Direct measurement, no calibration / no material properties

Always available - fast information for quality control

Qualitative information about particle size and polydispersity


Intensity Weighted Particle Size Distribution QInt(x), qInt(x)

Quantitative information about particle size distribution


Volume Weighted Particle Size Distribution Q3(x), q3(x)

Quantitative information about particle size and volume fraction of each class

Conversion into mass or number distribution


Download & Technical Data

Technical Data LUMiReader® PSA

Accelerated phase separation up to 10 times at gravity (acceleration depends on sample properties)
Particle size distribution range < 500 nm to 300 µm
Observation time 0.5 s to unlimited
Conformity ASTM D7827; CFR 21 Part 11; ISO 13317; ISO 18747-1; ISO 20427; ISO/TR 13097; ISO/TR 13097
Samples suspensions, emulsions, suspo-emulsions, sludges, slurries
Channels 1 sample
Volume 0.2 ml to 4.0 ml
Concentration 0.00015 Vol% – 75 Vol%
Density up to 22 g/cm³
Particle size 200 nm to 2000 µm
Light source multi-wavelength (NIR, red, blue)
Working temperature range* 4 °C to 80 °C (+/- 0.03 K)
Temperature stability* 0.4 K
Temperature uniformity (in sample)* 0.2 K
Ambient temperature 5 °C to 40 °C
Tilt vertical (0°) to 5°, 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°
Cells different materials, optical path 1 mm to 10 mm
Dimensions (WxHxD), Weight 29 x 24 x 44 cm / 11 kg
Power supply 24 V, Adapter (100 V to 240 V) included
Data interface Network adapter

*with external thermostat


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