
The all-in-one dispersion analyser

Up to 12 samples simultaneously


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Exceptional possibilities

The LUMiSizer® masters these kinds of analyses

  • Particle size distribution
  • Droplet size distribution
  • Separation velocity
  • Sauter Diameter
  • Particle magnetization
  • Density distribution
  • Hansen Solubility/Dispersibility Parameters
  • Sedimentation
  • Creaming
  • Agglomeration
  • Flocculation
  • Coalescence
  • Emulsification
  • Dispersibility
  • Shelf-life (comparative & predictive)
  • Direct, accelerated stability analysis

Test up to 12 samples simultaneously

Obtain unique "fingerprints" for your samples

Optimize your dispersions

Achieve stability measurements quickly and directly

Measure particle size even at high concentrations

Obtain particle densities

Compare and predict the shelf life

Differentiate between the different instability mechanisms

Measure samples within a wide temperature range (4 ˚C to 60 ˚C)

Analyze (highly) concentrated samples (up to 90%)

LUMISIZER® – See and understand your complete sample

Analyze aqueous, non-aqueous, Newtonian, non-Newtonian systems - the choice is yours.

The LUMiSizer is an evolutionary development based on the LUMiFuge platform with some significant additional capabilities that instantaneously measures the extinction (space- and time-resolved) of the transmitted light across the entire length of your sample using the STEP-Technology®.

Because of an enhanced optical system, the LUMiSizer lets you analyse particle and droplet velocity distributions for creaming and sedimentation phenomena without the need of any material data and performs particle sizing (ISO 13318- 2).

Run 12 samples at a time under a wide range of viscosities, temperatures, and real-world concentrations. The LUMiSizer is the only instrument in the world that allows you to obtain particle velocity distributions without having to know any material constants.

Analyse aqueous, non-aqueous, Newtonian or non-Newtonian systems – the choice is yours. You can measure the effects of concentration, shape, and colloidal forces on your particle size distribution and stability. You can create your own hindrance functions or work with published ones. Either way, you can accurately measure and predict ideal and non-ideal particle behaviour.

The exceptional precision of the system ensures that all particle size fractions are measured in a short time. Immediate data collection across the entire sample ensures exceptional results, whereby you can measure wide particle size distributions, determine non-idealities and gain the ability to resolve multimodalities. Think of the LUMiSizer as a LUMiFuge on steroids, a direct stability and particle size analyser forged into one. It can do all the things the LUMiFuge can, only more.

In addition to measuring stability directly and making shelf life prediction, you can also distinguish between flocculated and nonflocculated dispersions and measure particle size distributions using the highest industry norms and regulations.

Several wavelengths are available, allowing for a broad particle size spectrum coverage.

Comes with state-of-the-art software SEPView®.

The LUMiSizer comes certified, factory precalibrated and is ready-to-go.

International norms and guidelines

The LUMiSizer® meets the following standards


CFR 21 Part 11

DIN 51817

GB/T 42342.2

GB/T 41316

ISO 13318-1

ISO 13318-2

ISO 18747-1

ISO 18747-2

ISO 20427

ISO/TR 13097

ISO/TR 18811

ISO/TS 22107

JIS Z 8823-1

NF X31-107

WHO Technical Report Series No. 962, Annex 3

Grafik Karriere

Material overview

The following materials can be analyzed with the LUMiSizer

Carbon black
Carbon nanotubes
Color pastes
Cosmetics & personal care
Fine chemicals
  Fuel cells
and many more materials...




Separation and consolidation phenomena

By integrating two different light sources into one device, LUM combines the functionalities of both individual versions of the near-infrared (NIR) and blue LUMiSizer in the new multi-wavelength LUMiSizer 65x.

The multi-wavelength LUMiSizer for the rapid characterization of the most diverse demixing and consolidation phenomena as well as the quantification of the velocity and particle size distribution according to ISO 13318 is predestined for users with changing challenges, such as top research institutes, universities and industrial development departments.

In nanotechnology, two separate LUMiSizers were previously required for particle characterization of e.g. nanosilica (blue device), core-shell samples...

Download & Technical Data

Technical Data LUMiSizer®

Accelerated phase separation 6–2300 times compared to gravity
Particle size distribution 20 nm to 100 µm (20 nm  to 50 μm rec. with blue wavelengths)
Consolidation measurements concentrated dispersions and sediments
Observation time 1 s to 99 h
Conformity ASTM STP1527, CFR 21 Part 11, DIN 51817, GB/T 42342.2, GB/T 41316, ISO 13318-2, ISO 18747-1/2, ISO 20427, ISO/TR 13097, ISO/TR 18811, ISO/TS 22107, JIS Z 8823-1, NF X31-107, WHO Technical Report Series No. 962, Annex 3
Samples up to 12 simultaneously
Volume 0.05 ml to 2.0 ml
Concentration 0.00015 Vol % – 90 Vol %
Density up to 22 g/cm³
Viscosity 0,8 - 108 mPas
Particle size 10 nm to 1000 µm
Light source multi-wavelength
Temperature control 4 °C to 60 °C, +/– 1K
Cells different material and optical path
Dimensions (WxHxD), weight 37 cm x 27 cm x 60 cm, 40 kg
Power supply 100 V | 120V | 230 V, 50/60Hz

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